Female Line, a novel by Alison Buck


<h2><a href="http://www.alnpetepress.co.uk/frames/femaleline.html" title="click for more information about Female Line by Alison Buck">Female Line</a></h2><h3>by <a href="http://www.alnpetepress.co.uk/frames/alisonbuck.html" title="click for more information about Alison Buck" >Alison Buck</a></h3><p><a href="http://www.alnpetepress.co.uk/frames/femaleline.html"><img src="http://www.alnpetepress.co.uk/pix/fl_small.jpg" width="81" height="130" align="right" alt="Female Line cover" border="1" vspace="0" hspace="0" name="cover" title="Female Line, Alison Buck, Alnpete Press ISBN 978-0-9552206-5-4. Cover Artwork to come"></a>"<i>Alison Buck is an exciting and strong new voice in modern fiction.<br /> Although her stories feature powerful insights and express a<br /> female perspective on important issues and concerns<br /> they successfully speak to readers of all genders, ages and beliefs.<br /> Dark, psychological drama, mixed with wit and delivered with a light touch<br /> that makes you care about the hopes and dreams of her characters.</i>"</p><br clear="all"><p>Anna sits in the darkened kitchen, the knife in her hands. Looking down at the blade, she feels nothing. She absently reads the name on the cold metal and then closes her eyes again, lost in thought.</p><p>He'll be back soon.</p><p>But, for the moment, the silence of the flat is unbroken.</p><p>She carefully touches the side of her face. Her teeth are jarred and sore, but she looks down again at the blade and still she feels nothing.</p><p>He won't be long now.</p><p>As Anna waits, she dreams. She is, in this moment, detached from all of this; from her life with him, from the pain, from the failure of all her dreams, from life itself. This is not revenge. It's too cold for revenge. It's an ending, that's all.</p><p>A key rattles in the lock.</p><p>He is home...</p><br /><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"><tr><td align="center" valign="middle" width="10%"> </td><td align="center" valign="middle" width="80%"><p>Female Line, is coming soon.<br />ISBN 978-0-9552206-5-4<br />pb<br />RRP: £9.99<br />from <a href="http://www.alnpetepress.co.uk/frames/femaleline.html" title="click for the Alnpete Press website" >Alnpete Press</a></p></td><td align="center" valign="middle" width="10%"> </td></tr></table><br />



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